Endovascular Conditions


Endovascular Conditions

An aneurysm, a swelling or "ballooning" of a blood vessel can be treated with endovascular surgery, a modern less invasive procedure. The surgeon will perform a little cut near each hip in order to get into the veins. A catheter, a long thin, flexible tube is used to transmit an endovascular graft, an unique fabric tube device framed with stainless steel self-expanding stonts, down the arteries and into the aorta. When the graft is in place. It swells and forms a barrier around the aneurysm, blocking flow into the abnormal area. In this case, the graft is impaneted into the aorta and will not be removed.

Open surgery, which required an incision in the side of the chest or breastbone and a lengthy recovery period, was once the only option for treating this problem. After undergoing open surgery, patients often need three months to fully recover from the surgery and their hospital stay.

Endovascular surgery is an alernative to open surgery that has many benefits, such as a quicker recovery time, less discomfort , the user of local or regional gernreal anasthesia instead of general anasthesia smaller incisions, less stress on the heart and fewer risks for patients with other medical conditions. This method has the portential to help people who need surgery but have a high risk of complications due to other factors.


Endovascular surgery, like any other surgical treatment can go wrong.

  • The grafts blood flow is choked off
  • High fever and white blood cell count elevations
  • Injury to the graft
  • Infection
  • The transplant was leaking blood

The following are additional, unsual but potentially significant complications:

  • Obstruction of blood flow to the digestive system or the lower externities
  • Injuty to an Artery
  • Aneurysm burst with a delay
  • Harm to the kidneys
  • Paralysis
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