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Minimally Invasive radiofrequency ablation(RFA) reduces the size of benign or tumours, modules and other growths. In addition to benign and mallignant tumours, chronic venous insufficiency of the legs, and chronic back and neck discomfort are also disorders treated with RFA.

Procedure RFA

The operation is performed by introducing a needle-like probe into the body, much like a needle blospy. The probe sends radiofrequency waves into the surrounding tissue, killing off the cells in the area. The immune system responds to the death of these cells by removing them, which triggers an internal response and, in most cases, leads the nodule to shrink.
The ultrasound or other imaging technology helps the doctor direct the probe to the right spot. When performed in a hospital outpatient department or doctor's office, radiofrequency ablation doesn't even need local or general. For this treatment, you may be given medication to help you relax and a numbing cream to apply to the skin around where the proble will be put. The majority of patients receiving radiofrequency ablation are able to go home the same day of their procedure and get back to work the next day.